... Community

Our community

Castlethorpe has a population of just under 1,100 and is a very friendly village, situated in rolling countryside seven miles north of Milton Keynes city centre and close to the boundary with Northamptonshire. It lies on the northern edge of the Tove River Valley, which is designated as being landscape of Special Character.

The village shop is open daily from 7am to 7.30pm  (to noon on Sundays) with a sub-post office open from 9am to 5.30pm on weekdays. For more information click here.

For children village has a First School, Nursery, Youth Club, a thriving football club and two play areas - one with a zip wire. For adults there are several local organisations always looking for new members and the Village Hall is kept busy with events. There are tennis courts, a basketball court and a free outdoor gym at the Sports Ground, where Castlethorpe Cricket Club play their fixtures in the summer.

The village also has two defibrillators for use in emergencies such as heart attacks. They are located on the front of the Village Hall and the side of the Cricket Pavilion facing the car park at the Sport Ground in Thrupp Close.

For more information click on these links:

Village Hall
Sports Ground
Village Shop
Local Organisations
Sports Ground
Sports Clubs
Play areas
First School
Acorn Nursery
Youth Club