... Planning

Planning applications

The Planning Authority which makes decisions on planning applications is Milton Keynes Council and specifically the Development Control Committee or Panel, though minor decisions, where there is no objection by a Ward Councillor or Parish Council, can be made by the Planning Officer.

All applications are published on the MKC website and you can ask for alerts if you are interested. There is a set period for consultation where the statutory consultees, Ward Councillors, Parish Councils and members of the public can comment on applications in support or objection. There are also limited speaking rights available in the decision meeting.

If the application is refused, the applicant can appeal to a government Planning Inspector and there are generous speaking rights in the appeal hearings.

The Parish Council is a "statutory consultee" alongside bodies such as MK Highways or Education, Health and Police. It has some extra consultation and speaking rights and all applications are on the published agenda for its meetings and residents can speak at the Open Forum before each Parish Council meeting.  

Decisions are made by law only on the basis of Planning Policies published in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Milton Keynes' Local Plan, Plan:MK. The Local Plan includes the Policies set by an adopted Neighbourhood Plan such as we have in Castlethorpe which is why the Neighbourhood Plan is so important.

Of course anyone else can object to or support an application as well. You can find details of planning applications relating to Castlethorpe on the MKC Planning Public Access site by clicking here. In the box marked "Enter a keyword, reference number, postcode or single line of an address" type Castlethorpe (or Hanslope or any other area you are interested in) and click on the Search button.

Castlethorpe Neighbourhood Plan

Castlethorpe's Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted as one of MKC's Planning Policies which will prevent any planning applications which don't comply with the Plan to protect the village.
You can download or read the Plan here and also with accompanying documents on MKC's Neighbourhood Planning webpage (which opens in a new window) at https://www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-policy/castlethorpe-neighbourhood-plan.  


The current Local Plan for Milton Keynes, Plan:MK was adopted by Milton Keynes Council at its meeting on 20 March 2019. Plan:MK now forms part of the Council's Development Plan and replaces both the Core Strategy (2013) and saved policies of the Local Plan (2005).

The adopted version of Plan:MK, its updated Policies Maps, and associated adoption documents can be viewed in a new window here and you can download a copy of the current plan by clicking here. 

MK City Plan 2050

The MK City Plan 2050, is an important planning document that sets out how Milton Keynes will change and grow in the years ahead. The aim is to get the right type of development in the right places to meet the growing needs of local people and businesses, while protecting our green spaces and rural areas. Milton Keynes City Council wants to make sure that:
+ Infrastructure is put first (such as health facilities, schools and shops).
+ Developers provide what communities need to benefit local people.
+ Milton Keynes grows sustainably, tackling and reducing the impact of climate change.
The Regulation 18 consultation on the draft plan is open until 5pm on 9 October 2024.  

 The City Council has prepared a series of Topic Papers to give more information about the key themes of the Plan.
As well as commenting on the draft Plan, you can also tell them what you think about any of the supporting documents. These include the Sustainability Appraisal and comprehensive suite of evidence documents which have informed the Plan, and the policies maps we have produced.
The consultation documents are on the MKCC website at www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/city-plan. Alternatively, copies of the response form, draft MK City Plan 2050, policies maps and Topic Papers are all available in the Central Library at 555 Silbury Boulevard, as well as other public libraries across Milton Keynes.